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Compliant Call Recording
Software for Teleworkers

Questions about recording teleworker calls?Contact Us

Comprehensively record calls for your dstributed workforce

Businesses have been facing ongoing challenges of supporting a location-diverse workforce. This has hit call centers, and those relying on critical communications infrastructure, especially hard as most call recording systems are ill-equipped to handle hybrid work environments.

It's important to have a call recording solution that can cost-effectively move between as many deployment scenarios as it takes in the future. Our Voxida solutions can be configured, and reconfigured, to record locally or remotely with digital, analog or IP phones. If your telecom set up changes Voxida licenses can be reassigned as new interfaces are added or removed on your system. This protects your investment and ensures future deployments are efficent.

Whether you are supporting agents in the field, or setting up new site, we will rapidly get you up and recording with a centralized, easy to administer, solution. Accommodating multiple enterprise PBX models and trunk-interfaces, Voxida is agile and adaptable to record calls today and if additional relocation is necessary in the future.

Voice and video call recording software and appliances

Voxida Software SuiteThe Voxida call recording software suite records, monitors and reports on calls
Voxida Additional ModulesAdditional software enhancements build on the Voxida software suite
SystemsWe also offer a turnkey solution with the Voxida recorder appliances

Contact us to learn more about supported systems and timelines for success. You can also learn more about how we're supporting communications infastucture during pandemic response.

×Accurate Always’ ISO 9001:2015 registration
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