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Recording critical communications infrastructure

Learn more about recording voice and video calls for real-time analysis and disaster recovery Contact Us

Voice and video call recording solutions for disaster recovery, triage
and real-time interaction analysis

The Voxida communications recording appliances are trusted in crisis situations. Both governmental and private sector organizations rely on Voxida to:

Customers at leading hospitals and clinics, and in the US government have been depending on Voxida for over two decades. Contact us to discuss how to rapidly get a communications recording and analysis solution in place before the next disaster strikes.

Voice and video call recording software and appliances

Voxida Software SuiteThe Voxida call recording software suite records, monitors and reports on calls
Voxida Additional ModulesAdditional software enhancements build on the Voxida software suite
SystemsWe also offer a turnkey solution with the Voxida recorder appliances
×Accurate Always’ ISO 9001:2015 registration
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