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Two-Way Radio Recording

Robust communications monitoring and recording for IP, digital and analog two-way radio interfaces

Digital call recording systems
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The Voxida call recording solutions can be configured to record digital, IP (RoIP) and analog two-way radio, including Telex, Zetron and other systems. Voxida's robust recording systems are often used for air traffic control, railroads, government and defense applications, public safety and security.

Voxida supports major radio communications platforms. Learn more about recorder compatability.

With Voxida's radio recording solutions, you have guaranteed future support, revision control and the stability of fully field-proven systems. You can immediately reconstruct an incident and chose up to eight channels for simultaneous multiple playback. Calls can also be emailed or exported for further review and commented in real time.

Supported Analog, Digital & IP Radio Models

The Voxida communication recording solutions can record digital, VoIP (RoIP) and analog two-way radio as well as other signal types in a single or distributed solution. For a partial listing of the supported radio interfaces, please see C2 integations here.

Voice and video call recording software and appliances

Voxida Software SuiteThe Voxida call recording software suite records, monitors and reports on calls
Voxida Additional ModulesAdditional software enhancements build on the Voxida software suite
SystemsWe also offer a turnkey solution with the Voxida appliances

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will assess your recording requirements and propose a solution that is a fit for your call volume, workflow and budget. Contact our sales engineers about your two-way and console radio recording requirements.

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