The Voxida software platform offers complete flexibility in telephone recording. Whether you want to capture 100% of conversations on all lines, record calls by schedule, or to record certain phones on demand, you can do so without additional cost.
Some centers opt to record their calls on demand for data privacy concerns, to only capture what's of interest, or to easily allow for opt in recording. Any of the phones that are deemed as recordable only on demand can be changed, should policies be modified in the future.
In addition, some of the calls can be recordable full time, where only a subset of lines is set for on demand recording, if that best fits your requirements. Voxida is ultimately flexible to address current or future department changes.
Selectively capturing phone conversations only takes a quick click of a button in Voxida user interface. We also offer a telephone-triggered record on demand module for times when that better fits your work-flow.