Constantly evolving privacy regulations in the U.S., the European Union, and other countries are governing usage policies of customer information, healthcare records and certain financial data. FIPS, GLBA, HIPAA, HITECH, PCI, and others have become part of the common language used among contact centers healthcare organizations and governmental entities. All of these regulations require enforcement to be constant and demonstrable, regardless of whether the information stays within corporate walls.
Voxida CenterSecure™ answers compliance needs by providing a 360° view of every user action. With an automatic user action tracking mechanism, CenterSecure reports on all log ins, log outs, commands issued, searches executed, calls monitored, files played back, documents shared and reports ran by any given user—anytime. CenterSecure also records all administrative functions, including permission and configuration changes, user and group administration and more.
Within seconds an organization can track communication asset breaches across the enterprise. Conduct compliance reviews, with a detailed report that can be generated immediately saving countless man-hours and expense. CenterSecure is the essential tool for any audit process as it rapidly provides the information that's required for third party verification, internal reviews or to export for a watertight chronicle of a given interaction as evidence in a court of law.
CenterSecure allows you to quickly and easily monitor and evaluate activity in your call center, healthcare or governmental organization to uphold your compliance standards. Learn more about the Voxida call recording software suite.