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The Voxida 3275EX Enterprise-class call recording appliances

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Designed for high traffic call centers and governmental organizations, the Voxida 3275EX is suitable for communication recording and monitoring in customer contact centers, healthcare environments, finance, aerospace and defense applications. Flexible and scalable, the Voxida 3275EX provides support for up to 256 digital and analog trunk, PBX, radio, and intercom channels. Alternately, it can be configured to simultaneously record up to 480 VoIP end-points in a single appliance and operate in a Voxida Hive configuration, for limitless scalability.

The Voxida 3275EX records, live monitors, archives and plays back calls for real-time intelligence, long-term data integrity and instant recall of a call or transmission. As a true client/server distributed application, Voxida accommodates your immediate requirements, and handles any future growth.

The Voxida 3275EX digital voice recording appliances feature

Voice and video call recording software and appliances

Voxida Software SuiteThe Voxida call recording software suite records, monitors and reports on calls
Voxida Additional ModulesAdditional software enhancements build on the Voxida software suite
SystemsWe also offer a turnkey solution with the Voxida appliances

We encourage governmental organizations to contact us for additional COTS and MilSpec communications capture options.

×Accurate Always’ ISO 9001:2015 registration
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